Questions and Answers

Q: I emailed the coaching staff and have not heard back.

A: We do our best to answer all emails within a 48-hour time frame. If you do not hear from us by then please feel free to send a follow-up email.

Q: Are there tryouts or qualification marks to join the club?

A: No. There are no tryouts. Everyone is welcomed to join.

Q: How much does your program cost?

Our program’s cost is $150 for the summer and $125 for the winter. You can find the answers to this and more in our Program Registration section.

Q: My athlete(s) would like to participate but we are currently facing financial difficulties.

A: We believe every athlete should be allowed to participate and that financial difficulties should not be a barrier that prevents them from doing so. Please reach out to the coaching staff and we would be happy to make accommodations. We have free program grants available for those who qualify.

Q: How often do you meet to train?

A: In Summer we meet and train 6 days a week (Monday through Saturday). In Winter we meet 4 days a week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Saturday).

Q: Does your program accommodate students who have no running experience?

A: Yes! Every athlete has their own starting point and fitness background. Some athletes will adapt quickly while others will gradually improve. We adjust each training session to match the individual’s current fitness level. Our novice runners will not be expected to run the same intensity and workload as our veterans.

Q: My athlete is in middle school but I’m worried they won’t be able to keep up with the high school athletes and feel discouraged. Will they be required to do the same training volume as the high school athletes?

A: No. Middle school athletes will not be running at the same volume and intensity that the high school athletes will be. All middle school athlete’s training is adjusted to their fitness level allowing them to safely train.

Q: My athlete does not attend El Camino High School. Can They still participate?

A: Yes. While our coaching staff is composed primarily of El Camino High School coaches, our club is separate from El Camino High School.

Q: My athlete is enrolled in a different school/part of their school’s cross country and track team. Will they get disqualified/in trouble for training with El Camino High School coaches?

A: While our staff consists of El Camino High School coaches, our program is a club run separate from our school training. When we are in club season, we are not coaching as El Camino High School coaches, but instead as Oceanside Dolphin Coaches. As per CIF guidelines, it will not interfere with or penalize them for their season. High school cross-country pre-season starts the second week of August and High School Track and Field starts the first week of February. We end our seasons so that athletes can transition and participate fully with their respective teams.

Q: My athlete’s coach will not allow them to participate in your/ any running club because they say it is against CIF rules that will disqualify them for the season. Is this true?

A: This is not true. CIF rules state that athletes cannot participate in a club while official season is ongoing. However, if your athlete’s coach has plans for their summer/winter training, please communicate and connect with them to ensure you are on the same page. Our goal is never to overstep or create conflict with their respective programs.

Q: My athlete is competitive in their high school/middle school division and I’m worried about them overtraining/burning out with excessive summer/winter training.

A: As high school distance coaches, we understand the importance of having a long and healthy season. Our training is focused on building the foundation and strength needed to ensure all athletes participating in our programs will have full and successful cross-country and track and field seasons with their respective school teams. We emphasize the big picture and end-of-the-year results built upon their foundation. We have athletes from our own program participate in our club for that reason.

Q: My athlete is looking for a consistent running team and people to train with. Approximately how many athletes participate in your program?

A: We have roughly anywhere from 25 - 55 participating athletes who attend daily. Numbers vary from season but rest assured they will have athletes they will be able to run and train with.

Q: Do you offer private coaching?

A: We currently do not.

Q: What separates your coaching staff from private running coaches?

A: Most private running coaches run a business and we respect that. Typically (but not always) they will encourage athletes to train with them all year round. While in season, training with a club is not allowed, but training individually with a private coach is. This can lead to problems as athletes may become over worked as many private running coaches are not familiar with the high school/middle school season and how to properly train for weekly races. In addition they sometimes will have athletes disregard advice, training schedules, and guidance from their school coaching staff.

On our side, we are trying to build a community with athletes who remain in good standing with their school’s running program so that they may bring back all the lessons they learn with them and incorporate it into their training, not replace it.

Q: Can you coach/instruct/mentor my athlete while they are training with their high school/middle school coach?

A: No. During the official school season, we may encounter your athlete at meets/races/events, however, our position as their coach ends when their respective school season begins. North County High School and Middle School programs have some incredible coaches who work hard and look out for your athlete’s best interest. If you have issues with your coach’s training methods please be sure to communicate with them to find an understanding on how they can help your athlete.

Q: Why do you have all your training plans, philosophies, concepts, etc. out in plain sight? What if someone steals your training plans and uses them against you?

A: All training is science-based. We didn't invent the running science, and countless other coaches have shared their ideas with us. Our success has only been possible due to all of the training resources, coaching clinics, etc. that have been made available to us. If someone wants to take our ideas, I'm all for it. We love the extra challenge and competition. If need be, they can always send us an email and we'd be happy to explain our training in further detail.

Q: I saw some hard workouts that XYZ Olympian was doing on social media that they said would help prepare athletes for races. If I send that over will you implement it for our athlete to do? We want to make sure they become fast like the Olympian athlete.

A: Training is much more complicated than just seeing what XYZ Olympian or ASDF collegiate athletes are doing and trying to emulate exactly what they do. You will not yield the same results. Our training is constantly changing to adapt to the current runner at hand. What worked for one of our National Qualifying athletes may not work with another one. Every run and workout has a purpose. Unfortunately, one can't simply copy the how without understanding the why. Feel free to send any resource or workout you may have and we can adjust and change it ideally fit to our athlete's specific needs and current capabilities.