Thank you for your interest in our program. The document forms we will need to complete and fill out are provided here:
Member Application and Registration Form
The Digital Version is available below in the next section
Once you have completed these forms, you can bring them to the first day of practice or email them to one of the coaches below.
Coach Roberto Suarez
Coach Julie and Kenny Ralph
After the coaches confirm they have received your document forms, proceed to enroll with an AAU Membership and send in the program cost (information in the next section).
Oceanside Dolphins Club Membership Application and RegistrationÂ
Provided below is the Club Membership Application and Registration digital form. If you cannot see it please click the button below. If you are unable to access it, make sure you are using a personal email instead of a work/school email.
AAU Membership
$25 for AAU Membership is Paid directly to their website. This will provide participants with insurance to participate in our program.
While cross country/track and field are not a contact sport, some incidents can occur.
By joining either AAU (Amateur Athletic Union) or USATF (United States Track & Field) athletes will be insured and cleared for participation. For this season we will be under AAU.
This will have to be done before or on the first day of practice.
Check to see when your membership needs to be renewed to ensure you are covered.
Club Code: W3F5E6
Registration Fee for 2024 Winter (December - February)
$200 for High School Athletes
$175 for Middle School Athletes
No Refunds - Fees are nonrefundable for athletes who miss practice sessions after the start date.
​​Sibling Discount - 20% off Additional Siblings.
Checks made payable to: Roberto Suarez
Venmo and Cash APP: @Suarezdigital
In the description, please include your athlete's first and last name and "Oceanside Dolphins Registration".
If money is an issue please refer below for opportunities on discount or scholarship applications.
Program Cost Includes:
Training Plans (Running, Auxillaries, Nutrition, etc.)
Race Entry Fees
For Winter, it includes all track meets and the State Meet fee for qualifying athletes.
Permit/Facility Fees
Spirit Pack (shown below)
Registration Fee for 2025 Summer
$200 for High School and Middle School Athletes
No Refunds - Fees are nonrefundable for athletes who miss practice sessions after the start date.
​​Sibling Discount - 20% off Additional Siblings.
Checks made payable to: Roberto Suarez
Venmo and Cash APP: @Suarezdigital
In the description, please include your athlete's first and last name and "Oceanside Dolphins Registration".
If money is an issue please refer below for opportunities on discount or scholarship applications.
Program Cost Includes:
Training Plans (Running, Auxillaries, Nutrition, etc.)
Race Entry Fees
For Summer, it includes the end of Summer 2 Mile event OR Wild Duck 5k
Permit/Facility Fees
Spirit Pack (Shown Below)
We believe that no athlete should be left out or prevented from participating due to lack of financial support.
For athletes who would like to participate but are unable to, please reach out to one of the coaches to learn more about our Scholarship Assistance Programs.
Registered athletes receive a team spirit pack that evolves with them! Every year an athlete is registered with our program, they will receive new items to add to their growing Dolphins collection!
The more athletes invest in our program, the more the program will invest back into our athletes and provide them with equipment that they can proudly own!
1st Season
Team Shirt: Model RC
100% Cotton
(Comes in black or white)
Tote Bag
Membership Button: ODTC
1.25in x 1.25in
2nd Season
Team Shirt: Model ODTC
100% Cotton
Magnet: Nutrition
3in x 2.63in
Holographic Sticker: ODTC
3in x 3in
Membership Button: Pod Squad
1.25in x 1.25in
3rd Season
Team Shirt: Model POD Squad
100% Cotton
Run with Us Button
2.25in x 2.25in
1.5in Ă— 1.26in
4th Season
Team Shirt: Model California
100% Cotton
4x4in Patch
5th Season
6th Season
7th Season
8th Season
Team Jersey
9th Season
Under Armour Team Knit Warm-Up
10th Season
Adidas 5-Star Team 2 Backpack